Tag: Germany

An Idyl of Idleness? – The German Grand Coalition and its Necessity for Structural Economic Reforms

The present economic policy of the German government seems to fulfil neither the calls of experts nor the expectations of the electorate. From the investment point of view, German core industries, such as the electronic and metal industries, on the one hand are treading water and falling behind in international competitiveness while sunrise industries and start-ups on the other hand are lacking a sufficiently funded and developed digital infrastructure. A recent report about national telecommunication connectivity put Germany even behind Albania. An ongoing sell-out of domestic medium-scale companies in future sectors such as solar power and robotics to investors from abroad, especially China, has further threatened German innovative performance.

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Ein postmoderner Intellektueller? Jan Böhmermann und die politisch-kommunikative Satire im deutschen Fernsehen

Kaum jemand hat in den letzten Jahren so sehr das Bild der deutschen Medienlandschaft als einem krisenbehafteten und manipulierbaren Raum der Postmoderne geprägt wie der Satiriker Jan Böhmermann. Nach dem Niedergang des klassischen deutschen Intellektuellen seit der Wendezeit bietet Böhmermann eine postmoderne Alternative.

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